Philoxenia ( fi.lok.seˈni.a ) friend of the stranger.
This Greek word has additional layers of meaning not captured by its English equivalent, hospitality.
It’s not just “the act of being friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors.” To be precise, it’s not just an “act.”
It is a code of values with deep roots stretching all the way back to antiquity, one shaped in part by myth, history and religious beliefs.
Philoxenia is a state of mind and a way of life with which Greeks have been nurtured over the centuries.
In more recent times, many have applied its principles in business ventures that make up what we today call the “tourism industry.”
It is also a subject of anthropological and sociological study, and not beyond scrutiny; the notion that philoxenia is part of the “Greek DNA”.
This powerful video, created by the Region of Crete, effortlessly represents the meaning of Greek Hospitality (Filoxenia)
At, we strongly believe that even in the toughest of times, Greek Philoxenia is something that will not vanish but will continue running in our veins, now more than ever.
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